jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Labeling fruits and for round and oval labels.

Our labeler for fruits DAPFC have mobile sensor to fit in the center of various types of non-rectangular labels soft labeling.
Meet all labeling requirements works quickly and easily applied to various types of die cut label rolls.
We have several models depending on the use and size of label.


labeling for fruit and Stickers

DPNR rectangular label applicators. 

Very robust economic Labeling.

Different models according acho tag

DPNR-30 label width from 20 to 30mm.
DPNR-60 label width from 25 to 60mm.
DPNR-100 label width from 56 to 100mm.

Automatic detection of the separation
For rolls of rectangular labels

labelers cheap

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Electric labeler for fruit

Battery labeler for fruit and any other product that we have labeled with small tag
Lithium Battery operation of long duration, between 8 and 10am.
Fast battery charging 220V with charger.Labeler dispenser electric Lightweight and robust for continuous professional use.
Handheld Labeler for fruits and vegetables.
Info. :  info@digrapack.com
Telf. +34976599163